Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We've No Time to be Impatient

Pastor Mike Slaughter
Several weeks ago, I had the joy of returning to my home church for a leadership conference.  Among the many blessings of the day was the opportunity to hear from Mike Slaughter, Lead Pastor of Ginghamsburg UMC in Tipp City, Ohio.  Over the past 33 years, Mike has lead Ginghamsburg Church from a typical small town congregation of 90 worshippers to a vibrant, missionally-focused congregation with several thousand worshippers.

In his presentation, there were two phrases Mike repeated over and over that captured me: “I don’t have time to play church.” and “There are no quick wins.”

“I don’t have time to play church” means that there ought to be an urgency to the church’s ministry.  We don’t have time to waste with institutional structures and church programs that hold us back from reaching the world Christ came to save.  Now is the time to get serious about reaching the least, the last, and the lost with the radical grace of Jesus.

With this sense of urgency in mind, “there are no quick wins.”  In other words, reaching the world with the good news takes patience.  Disciples are not made overnight.  Congregation’s are not revitalized in one month.  Vibrant, faithful, fruitful ministry takes a long-term commitment – in the case of Ginghamsburg Church, about 33 years.

As I’ve been reflecting on these phrases, I’m realizing how true they are.  Jesus’ own ministry began with an urgent plea, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” (Matthew 4:17).  Jesus didn’t have time to play games.  He was about the work of the Kingdom and would not allow anything – especially the religious institution - to distract him from that work.

At the same time, Jesus’ ministry exemplified patience.  “There are no quick wins.”  Jesus demonstrates an amazing amount of patience with his disciples, who are very slow to realize what the Kingdom is all about.  The Kingdom movement that Jesus began with urgency doesn’t really take off until after Jesus has risen and ascended into heaven.  In short, Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom now, but knew that realizing the Kingdom in fullness would take patience and long-term commitment.

As we move forward in ministry at Faith UMC, I hope that we can sense the urgency of God’s mission.  There are people in our community who are hurting and who need the good news of Jesus RIGHT NOW!  We don’t have time to play church!  We’ve got important work to do!

At the same time, I hope that we will be patient.  The fruit of our ministry will not appear overnight.  Seeds sown today may not take root for years.  It’s okay.  As long as we’re being faithful to the work of the Kingdom, we can stay the course.  We’ve no time to be impatient.